3 Secrets to Achieving CI/CD for MSSQL Databases

Learn how you can bring your database up to speed by implementing DevOps best practices in the database. The presentation includes a short demo of DBmaestro’s Database DevOps Platform for MSSQL

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • How enterprises are adopting CI/CD for the database and what they’re struggling with
  • Actionable tips for increasing the frequency of deployments and minimizing errors
  • How DBmaestro helps enterprises using MSSQL DBs achieve their goals

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Featured Expert:

Yaniv Yehuda
Yaniv Yehuda
and Co-Founder
of DBmaestro
Yaniv Yehuda is the co-founder and CTO of DBmaestro, an enterprise software development company focusing on database development and deployment technologies. Yaniv is also the co-founder and the head of development for Extreme Technology, an IT service provider for the Israeli market. 

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