Chris Lucca
Senior Solution Engineer
Chris Lucca started life as a release engineer and configuration manager working with multiple large financial institutions. After a period of time, he realized his interest was in sharing his DevOps expertise, and saw ways to build new solutions clients would need. Chris has build a career around implementing configuration, release management and DevOps for customers. As a founder in several DevOps / Software tool companies, Chris brings his knowledge to solving the "DevOps for the Database" problem to DBmaestro.

Brady Byrd
Senior Solutions Architect
Brady Byrd started life out as a geochemistry research scientist at the beginning of computer control of analytical instruments. With a knack for procedural languages, he was rapidly sucked into the software side of things and science faded into the background. In 2009, as a founder in a release automation, he jumped into the nascent DevOps movement. He is currently pouring his energy into addressing the challenge of database DevOps automation with DBmaestro.